ElasticFusion - Real-time dense visual SLAM system capable of capturing comprehensive dense globally consistent surfel-based maps of room scale environments explored using an RGB-D camera.
Pose Animator - Takes a 2D vector illustration and animates its containing curves in real-time based on the recognition result from PoseNet and FaceMesh. (HN)
fvcore - Collection of common code that's shared among different research projects in FAIR computer vision team.
ScreenPoint - Project an image centroid to another image using OpenCV.
U^2-Net - Code for our newly accepted paper in Pattern Recognition 2020: "U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection".
TorchIO - Tools for medical image processing in deep learning.
OpenMV (Open-Source Machine Vision) - Aims at making machine vision more accessible to beginners by developing a user-friendly, open-source, low-cost machine vision platform.
TSD - 1st place models in Google OpenImage Detection Challenge 2019.
imagecluster - Cluster images based on image content using a pre-trained deep neural network, optional time distance scaling and hierarchical clustering.
Detecto - Build fully-functioning computer vision models with PyTorch. (Docs)
EmoPy - Deep neural net toolkit for emotion analysis via Facial Expression Recognition (FER).
Egocentric Videoconferencing (2020) - Method for egocentric videoconferencing that enables handsfree video calls, for instance by people wearing smart glasses or other mixedreality devices. (Video overview)
gradslam - Open source differentiable dense SLAM library for PyTorch.
Consistent Video Depth Estimation - Estimate dense, flicker-free, geometrically consistent depth from monocular video, for example hand-held cell phone video.
Computer Vision Video Lectures - Curated list of free, high-quality, university-level courses with video lectures related to the field of Computer Vision.
Cord - Training data toolbox for computer vision. (HN)