Web Development Frameworks & Libraries
Science & Tech (Innovation)
Code Editors & Tools
Blockchain & Crypto
Data Structures & Interviewing
Group 1
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Languages: JavaScript ES-6, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bash Shell, SQL, MATLAB, Python, C++
Frameworks / Libraries: React, Redux, ExpressJS, Gatsby, NextJS, Ant-Design, SCSS, Loadash, Jest, Sequelize, GraphQL, AJAX
Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQlite3
Tools: Figma, Git, AWS S3, Heroku, Docker, Jira, Trello, Confluence, Netlify, Digital Ocean, VSCode, Google Analytics, Excel
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows (WSL), IOS
Gatsby-Gr****aphQL-BlogLive Site GitHub
JavaScript, React / Gatsby | GraphQL | SCSS | Lodash | Jamstack | Facebook Comments API | jQuery
A web development blog, featuring convenient web development tools and interactive content.
● Implemented 4 Gatsby page models and GraphQL schema to fetch markdown content and feed it into react components.
● Designed and integrated a set of convenient web-hosted developer tools and GUI interfaces.
● Added interactive content including comments, video conferencing, data-structure visualization, games and full text search.
C++ | Python | MATLAB | PureData
Platform*** designed to analyze a time sequence of notes and autonomously trigger guitar effects at a predetermined point in the song.***
● Successfully completed and delivered a platform to digitize a guitar signal and perform filtering before executing frequency & time domain analysis ­to track a current performance against pre-recorded performance.
● Implemented the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm in C++ and Python to autonomously activate or adjust guitar effect at multiple pre-designated sections of performance
Family Promise Service TrackerLive Site GitHub
React | ExpressJS | Figma | Okta
An app built to helps local communities coordinate their compassion to address the root causes of family homelessness.
● Collaborated on state management using Redux to handle application state and middleware using redux-promise & redux-thunk.
● Built two graphic visuals of the user hierarchy and the scope of their permissions.
● Created Figma UI mockups of possible future developments, i.e., displaying metrics data and map pinpoint functionality.
Data Structures PlaygroundLive Site GitHub
jQuery | ExpressJS | Google Analytics |Algolia Full Text Search | Amazon S3
A website for visualizing and practicing data structures and algorithms in JavaScript & Python.
● Implemented an repl.it backend to enable commenting using express and the fs module to write user comments to a storage.json file.
● Developed proprietary npm package to recursively walk the project directory structure and generate a site navigation page.
● Created multiple embedded data structure visualizations that interact with user input.
● Automated the generation and (submission to Google, Bing, and Yandex) of a sitemap on every build.
Product Development Engineer | Nov 2019 - Mar 2020
Cembre, Edison, NJ
● Converted client's product needs into technical specs to be sent to the development team in Italy.
● Reorganized internal file server structure and conducted system integration and product demonstrations.
● Presided over internal and end user software trainings in addition to producing the corresponding documentation.
● Served as the primary point of contact for troubleshooting railroad hardware and software in North America
Lambda School, Full Stack Web Development **** May 2020 - Nov 2021
Description automatically generated with medium confidence](file:///C:/Users/bryan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image014.png)](https://lambdaschool.com/courses/full-stack-web-development#curriculum)Six-month immersive software development course with a focus on full stack web development. Over 2000 hours of work invested including class time, homework, and projects.
B.S. Electrical Engineering, TCNJ, Ewing NJ 2014 -- 2019
Description automatically generated](file:///C:/Users/bryan/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image016.png)](https://github.com/bgoonz/random-static-html-page-deploy/blob/master/ElectricalEngineeringCurriculum.pdf)Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.
Last modified 1d ago
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