
Docs Repo:

Docs Website:


Examples of Awesome Docs:

  • ​Adyen - A clean developer portal and stylish API explorer.
  • ​Apiary - A nice example of interactive documentation.
  • ​Auth0 - Really good API documentation.
  • ​Bonusly - Simple and interactive site built using What's not to like?
  • ​Box - An engaging API doc created using ReadMe which offers user interactivity.
  • ​Cockroach Labs - Fun, clean and well-designed.
  • ​Digital Ocean - These docs are great. Full of examples and easy/enjoyable to navigate.
  • ​Docker - Not just bigging them up because my boss was a contributor. These are really nice docs - very cool day and night switch to change between dark and light themes.
  • ​Docker API - I really like the three-panelled Docker API docs which have been produced using ReDoc.
  • ​Grafana - Unusual dark theme but really like the design and its in keeping with their brand.
  • ​ - A great example of API docs created with API Blueprint renderer Agilo.
  • ​Lightrail Really nice split screen with interactive section that can switch between example and console views.
  • ​Luxbar This docs page demos the flexibility of the product (a CSS navigation bar) as you click around and change the colours, positioning, alignment etc. Very clever.
  • ​Mailchimp - Aspects of this site are so nicely designed it makes me a bit jealous. The API reference guide in particular.
  • ​Mapbox - Very clean docs with nice use of colour.
  • ​Monzo - I'm a big fan of Monzo and like the product, the docs have a great UX design which allows you to scroll effortlessly through the content. This site was produced using Slate.
  • ​Nest - Very cool interactive API reference from Nest Labs (part of Google).
  • ​Rot.js Not necessarily the prettiest but really like the interactive code examples which can be changed. The animated side menu is always pretty cool.
  • ​Shopify Developers - Easy to navigate, in-line glossary pop-ups, search and discoverability as a core site feature, separation of content concerns (API and Knowledgbase are not merged).
  • ​Skyscanner - Another nice set of API docs produced with Slate.
  • ​Slack - Colourful and fun with the Slack brand of humour but well-designed like the product.
  • ​Stripe - Stripe go a great job of providing copy-paste ready sample calls in their API reference guide.
  • ​Twilio - Twilio Docs have a really distinctive style with bold headings and colours to denote each section (green for API/SDKs, blue for Quickstart, yellow for tutorials) to make navigation easy.
  • ​Vue.js - Simple, clean and easy to navigate. Has a nice search feature which splits the search results.
Last modified 14d ago