// When an inner function uses, or changes,
// variables defined in an outer scope.
// NOT for declaring a variable of the same name in an inner scope.
let name = 'Bryan Guner';
// here greeting function closes over, or captures, the name variable
return "Hi there, " + name + "!";
// Here, we return the return value of the greeting function
// here changeCity function closes over the person variable
// and reassigns a value on an existing key
// the person variable will show the changes from the changeCity function
// console.log(nameAndCity());
function smoothieMaker() {
function addIngredient( ingredient ) {
// Here addIngredient function closes over the ingredients variable
// to push new elements into the ingredients variable.
// We have created a private state where we cannot access
// the ingredients array from the outside and can only access
// the variable from the inner function.
ingredients.push( ingredient );
// Here the return value for smoothiemaker is the return value
// is the function addIngredient, NOT addIngredient's return value
// Here we initialize we return a new addIngredient function
// which has closed over the ingredients array
const makeSmoothie = smoothieMaker();
console.log( makeSmoothie );
console.log( makeSmoothie( 'spinach' ) ); // prints [ spinach ]
console.log( makeSmoothie( 'turmeric' ) ); // prints [ spinach, turmeric ]
// let mySmoothie = makeSmoothie();
// Here we return a new and different addIngredient function
// which has closed over a new a different ingredients array
const makeSmoothie2 = smoothieMaker();
console.log( makeSmoothie2( 'kale' ) ); // prints [ kale ] -- does not include spinach and turmeric
function createCounter() {
let counter1 = createCounter();
let counter2 = createCounter();
// console.log(counter1());
// console.log(counter1());
// console.log(counter1());
// console.log(counter1());
// What will this print out?
// console.log(counter2());
// Brief talk of scope and redeclaring a const variable in a loop
for ( let i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
// In the following examples we will predict what will
// be printed to the terminal
function dinerBreakfast(food) {
let order = "I'd like cheesy scrambled eggs and ";
// console.log(dinerBreakfast('green tea'));
function dinerBreakfast2(food) {
let order = "I'd like a(n) " + food;
order = order + ' and cheesy scrambled eggs, please!'
// console.log(dinerBreakfast2('avocado toast'));
function dinerBreakfast3() {
let order = "I'd like cheesy scrambled eggs";
order = order + " and " + food;
let breakfastOrder = dinerBreakfast3();