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In short, blockchain is a immutable linked list of hashes. Which can be used to solve the double spending problem in cryptocurrencies using proof of work (or other methods) and a persistent chain of records (blocks mined).

Consensus algorithms

  • PoW: The more hashing power the more trust worthy.
  • PoS: The more coins the more trust worthy.
  • PBFT: Hand selected trusted nodes.
  • Randomized asynchronous algorithm: You trust nobody! Every single node is constantly re-evaluated. (Skycoin)

Interesting applications

  • Tezos
  • Polkadot
  • Horizon State - Digital voting.
  • Blockstack - Decentralized apps on Blockstack let you own your data so you can maintain your privacy, security and freedom.
  • Cardano - Cryptographic currency implementing Ouroboros PoS protocol.
  • Iden3 - Decentralized identity management solution.
  • Gnosis - Through blockchain-based, decentralized platforms, we enable the redistribution of resources—from assets to incentives, and information to ideas.
  • Digital Asset - Automate and synchronize business processes.
  • Purple Protocol - Global Decentralized Ledger Infrastructure.
  • Slingshot - New blockchain architecture under active development, with a strong focus on scalability, privacy and safety.
  • arweave - New type of storage that backs data with sustainable and perpetual endowments, allowing users and developers to store data forever.
  • Foundation - Reclaiming the idea of the stock market to benefit creators and collectors directly.
  • Zilliqa
  • Zilliqa - Scalable smart contract platform that aims to tackle the congestion issue plaguing the blockchain industry.



Last modified 5mo ago