Bigslice - System for fast, large-scale, serverless data processing using Go. Reflow - Language and runtime for distributed, incremental data processing in the cloud. Luna - Data processing and visualization environment built on a principle that people need an immediate connection to what they are building. Nuclio - High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform. Batch - Event replay platform. Version control for data passing through your messaging systems. (HN) mm-ADT - Multi-Model Abstract Data Type. Distributed virtual machine capable of integrating a diverse collection of data processing technologies. (Code) lakeFS - Open source layer that delivers resilience and manageability to object-storage based data lakes. (Web) Baker - High performance, composable and extendable data-processing pipeline for the big data era. Cylon - Fast, scalable distributed memory data parallel library for processing structured data. (Web) Opaque - Secure Apache Spark SQL. Apache Beam - Unified programming model for Batch and Streaming. (Web) Stitch - Simple, extensible ETL built for data teams. AugMix - Simple Data Processing Method to Improve Robustness and Uncertainty. Snapflow - Framework for building end-to-end functional data pipelines from modular components. Cloudfuse - Open source serverless data solutions. Future of data pipelines. (GitHub)