ShivyC - C compiler created in Python. swc - Super-fast alternative for Babel. ccache - Fast compiler cache. Starlark in Go - The Starlark configuration language, implemented in Go. sccache - Shared Compilation Cache. tal - Implementation of Typed Assembly Language (Morrisett, Walker, Crary, Glew). microml - Minimal ML, type-inferred, compiled, and/or interpreted in less than 800 lines. libffi - Portable foreign-function interface library. go2ll - Toy go compiler to LLVM. libFirm - Graph based intermediate representation and backend for optimising compilers. mimalloc - Compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance. BOLT - Binary Optimization and Layout Tool - A linux command-line utility used for optimizing performance of binaries. (HN) Propeller - Profile Guided Optimizing Large Scale LLVM-based Relinker. Intel(r) SPMD Program Compiler - Compiler for a variant of the C programming language, with extensions for single program, multiple data programming. hobbes - Language and an embedded JIT compiler. dino - Compiler / PL Experimentation in Rust. GRIN - Compiler back-end for lazy and strict functional languages with whole program optimization support. (Website) Clang Build Analyzer - Can be useful to figure out what takes time during compilation of one source file. htcc - Tiny C language compiler (x86-64). Termite - Generic distributed compilation system. ugdb - Alternative TUI for gdb. Trybuild - Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics. Icecream - Distributed compiler with a central scheduler to share build load. MIR Project - Light-weight JIT compiler based on MIR (Medium Internal Representation). SPARTA - Library of software components specially designed for building high-performance static analyzers based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation. PPCI - Compiler for ARM, X86, MSP430, xtensa and more implemented in pure Python. ELVM - Similar to LLVM but dedicated to Esoteric Languages. The Super Tiny Compiler - Ultra-simplified example of all the major pieces of a modern compiler written in easy to read JavaScript. Hex Rays - State-of-the-art binary code analysis solutions. HexRaysDeob - Hex-Rays microcode API plugin for breaking an obfuscating compiler. SymQEMU - Compilation-based symbolic execution for binaries. (Web)